DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE? – Final Blog Post: Kerrie Crockford

Framing Statement What is Site-Specific? Site-Specific performance is creating and performing a piece of work that is not in the conventional theatre space. ‘A large part of the work has to do with researching a place, often an unusual one that is imbued with history or permeated with atmosphere’ (Pavis, 1998, 337-8). Pearson leads on … Continue reading “DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE? – Final Blog Post: Kerrie Crockford”

Us as an Audience

Audience, Viewers, Spectators, Crowds. Theses are all different types of groups of people that observe or watch for instance television, a theatre show, football game. Strange how they all do the same thing, observe. Yet there are different meanings for all. In our last session we used members of the public’s reactions to spark our … Continue reading “Us as an Audience”

Is there such a thing as Silence?

From the controversial idea of a library you assume silence for the working environment. But what we, as people, don’t realise is that if we used our senses more we wouldn’t focus on the silence but the collection of noises. This planting the idea of ‘Is there such a thing as silence?’ Observing library life … Continue reading “Is there such a thing as Silence?”