The Fate of Place for the Curious

A library is a place that holds books. Lots of books. These books hold knowledge. The knowledge of these books influences people’s decisions and sometimes even their lives. What is the most influential book you’ve ever read? That book may mean nothing to another person. In the library last Thursday when surrounded by books and … Continue reading “The Fate of Place for the Curious”

Yes, but is it site specific?

For the first time in our process I can finally say that yes, yes it is. Our piece is now dependant on our space, for you cannot do it in any other space or location that would give the same impact and relevant reaction. After finding the ‘What is Art‘ article from The Lincolnshire Magazine … Continue reading “Yes, but is it site specific?”


    Overcoming Difficulties  Upon bringing my SSP to life sometimes cracks start to show as things don’t quite go the way you planned and there just plain harder than expected! For me this happened in multiple areas such as the technicality and the physicality of the performance. AUDIO–  I decided the best way for … Continue reading “‘DECISIONS, DECISIONS.’”