The layers of the Library

The library has a rich history and diverse history. The building itself was not always a library. It used to be a train factory but was refurbished and reopened in 2004 as part of the university. In the book How Buildings Learn by Stewart Brand it notes “all buildings adapt[…] however poorly, because the usages … Continue reading “The layers of the Library”

Who is the audience?

In site-specific performance the lines between audience and performer are blurred. In traditional theatre spaces there are distinctive boundaries drawn between audience and performers. However, site-specific performance does not have the same restrictions. It rejects the idea of the fourth wall and attempts to immerse the audience into the performance. In doing so it poses … Continue reading “Who is the audience?”

The protagonist of the story

In 2012 Gobsquad theatre company formed a piece named supernight shot a movie with a twist. Here is the link to the companys website The piece is described by the company members as: “a magical journey through the night time streets of a not too distant city. Full of unexpected surprises, the public become co-stars in a movie … Continue reading “The protagonist of the story”

Us as an Audience

Audience, Viewers, Spectators, Crowds. Theses are all different types of groups of people that observe or watch for instance television, a theatre show, football game. Strange how they all do the same thing, observe. Yet there are different meanings for all. In our last session we used members of the public’s reactions to spark our … Continue reading “Us as an Audience”