Stage and staircase installation experiments
“I believe so much in the power of performance I don’t want to convince people. I want them to experience it and come away convinced on their own” M.A.
“I believe so much in the power of performance I don’t want to convince people. I want them to experience it and come away convinced on their own” M.A.
Marina Abramovic, in one of her last installation pieces before turning to performance, created a site specific sound installation piece that created a reaction to the public. On a bridge she placed a three minute looped recording of a building collapsing provoking passers by causing disruption and distress among the public. It was then removed shortly after the … Continue reading “Risks to provoke the system”
Great Central Library Warehouse was once known as Great Central Goods & Grain Warehouse dated back to 1861, until the university gained its status in 1992. If you looks closely behind the letter L in the word Library, you will notice slightly the letter O, which once belonged to the buildings original name.
To accommodate for the University’s 12,800 students the Library offers around 230,000 books available, along 4.3 miles of shelving, to be used for subject research. Throughout the Library’s 3 floors there are, in total, 450 study spaces available. The 3rd floor, also known as the silent floor, still features the old pine beams which remain … Continue reading “Welcoming the Library to the 21st century.”
When someone says library, everyone automatically thinks of words, yet what about numbers. Numbers can reveal just as much history as the words in the books. Recently it has been discovered that The Library offers tours for those who wish to learn more about the place where students spend up to 8 million minutes last … Continue reading “Numbers Lost in a World of Words”